Me, Microbe, and I

An article we wrote for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly is now published in the 02/2020 issue of the Quarterly. In it we explore some of the socio-cultural implications of the hype around the microbiome. So we've written about good microbes, the pathologies of modern hygiene, and what we call symbiosociality. You might say that it is a pretty bad timing for the article to come out considering what is currently happening in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Well, yes, modernist regimes of hygiene seem stronger than ever. But the good microbes will be back. [...]

2020-07-10T16:53:33+02:00By |

Trees of Life Exhibition in Frankfurt

The Frankfurter Kunstverein is presenting the exhibition „Trees of Life. Stories for a damaged planet“ which features a series of interesting works on microbes and symbiosis. In fact, the exhibition itself is a symbiosis of sorts between science and art. Institutionally, the exhibition is a collaboration between the Kunstverein and the Senkenberg Museum for Natural History curated by Franziska Nori from the Kunstverein and the geologist Philipe Havlik. The exhibition itself features a series of our most beloved social theorists like the inevitable Donna Haraway, Bruno Latour and Anna Tsing in addition to the Sym-biologists [...]

2020-07-09T10:09:49+02:00By |

Workshop “Symbiotische Kollektive” October 25.-26. in Marburg

After our panels at the DGS-Kongress in Göttingen in 2018 and our panel at the 4s in New Orleans in 2019 we are happy to announce our first full Symbiosis-Workshop. In the workshop we will discuss with our panelists Symbiosis as a concept in and for sociological theory. What can symbiotic thinking offer for sociological theory and how can sociological theory help to think symbiotic collectives? For more information on the workshop check out our workshop flyer. Download the program as pdf  here.

2020-07-09T10:10:06+02:00By |

Symbiotic Collectives at 4s in NOLA

If you happen to be at the 4s in New Orleans this year, join us for our panel their. Here is some info on the panelists and their talks. We're excited to discuss symbiosis at the 4s and look forward to meet you New Orleans! Reciprocal Capture: Symbiosis as Object and Concept In STS-Research Fri, September 6, 1:00 to 2:30pm, Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, Floor: Eight, Endymion Research on the microbiome suggests that symbiosis is not just a curiosity but rather a rule in biology. Humans and non-human animals depend on symbiosis with microbes that [...]

2020-07-07T17:35:45+02:00By |
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