Dr. Andreas Folkers, Giessen (principal investigator)
Andreas is a post-doc researcher at the Institute for Sociology, Justus-Liebig University Giessen. He completed his PhD in Sociology at the Goethe-University Frankfurt in 2017 where he worked as a research associate at the sociology department (2011-2018). He was fellow at the Max-Weber-Centre (Erfurt University) in 2018 and a visiting scholar at the New School University, New York in 2013. He works on security, biopolitics, energy/environment, and infrastructure drawing on analytical perspectives from science and technology studies and social theory. He is author of a monograph and numerous articles that have been published in journals such as Theory, Culture & Society, Soziale Welt, EPD: Society and Space, Economy and Society.
Dr. Andreas Folkers
Institut für Soziologie
Karl-Glöckner-Str. 21E
35394 Gießen
Haus E, Raum 216
Phone: +49 (0) 641 99 23303
e-mail: Andreas.Folkers@sowi.uni-giessen.de
Website: https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/fb03/institute/ifs/prof/allggesell/teamalle/folkers
Andreas on academia and researchgate
Prof. Sven Opitz, Marburg (principal investigator)
Sven is Professor of Political Sociology at Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. His research addresses the temporal, spatial and material aspects of security technologies and law. He is currently working on biopolitical ecologies in global disease control. Recent publications include ‘Simulating the World: the digital enactment of panedmics as a mode of global self-observation’ (European Journal for Social Theory, 2017), ‘Future emergencies: temporal politics in law and economy’ (Theory, Culture & Society, 2015, with Ute Tellmann), and ‘Neue Kollektivitäten: Das Kosmopolitische bei Bruno Latour und Ulrich Beck’ (Soziale Welt, 2016).
Prof. Dr. Sven Opitz
Philipps Universität Marburg
Institut für Soziologie
Ketzerbach 11
35032 Marburg
Phone: +49 (0) 6421 2824598
Mail: sven.opitz@staff.uni-marburg.de
Website: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb03/soziologie/fachgebiete/pol_soz
Sven on academia
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